Vertically challenged
I don't know about you, but I want to sit down. Seems like a simple request, huh? Find chair/stool/bench/coffee table/ground, bend knees, plop butt on surface of choice and there you have it.
But in reality, I stand all freakin' day. I eat, check email, web surf, fix food, clean up toys, chase G-man, walk the dog, fold laundry, read magazines, and everything else you can think of, all on two feet.
Why is it so hard to sit down? Possibly b/c G-man never sits down? Or slows down? But really, how hard should it be for me to push this laptop to the edge of the counter near a stool and type instead of keeping it in the middle (near the sink and a magnet, I might add) where I have to stand? I think now it's a bad habit I've fallen into where even in the times I can sit, I don't.
Whenever I visit my parents, I hear them telling me to sit down, sit down. But if I do, who will watch G-man as he heads for the cabinets of poison? Or the babygate-less stairs? Or the gigantic bowl of M&Ms? Or the very, very sharp "we keep meaning to do something about it" hearth? Uh, not my parents. So it's easier to just be on my toes. Besides, I've learned that nose isn't going to wipe itself, either.
I envy the moms at play groups that enter a room, deposit child, and sit down. Some even with coffee. That's still hot! Wow. I always feel like I'm a giant towering over everyone because I'm standing the entire time. Their precious angels seem to understand quiet, safe play while my guy obviously makes a beeline for the one place/person/thing he shouldn't be near.
I found that now if I have the chance to sit even briefly, I settle in for the long haul. And this can be a problem when you don't really have that kind of time. If G-man takes a nap, and I sit to do ONE little thing at the computer, poof! there goes the nap time and I've wasted 20 minutes reading things I'm not interested in just so I don't have to get up. It's like I'm binge-sitting.
So for now, I'll complain of aching feet and tired back while looking wistfully at the chairs in my home that mock me with their presence and just wonder if this means all the calories I'm eating really just head straight down to my feet. I'm cool with that.