Free-range dookie
Suddenly, it's hot here. So we have already had several pants optional days. If the G-man doesn't feel like wearing pants, that's fine with me. Less laundry. Of course, he likes to take this further to see if he can go diaper optional. Not ofiicially, but we do have some naked time built into the day.
This morning, he was sans pants and I noticed his diaper was looking a little saggy in back. It had been a while since I changed it so I decided to give him a thrill and whip it off of him as he went by. Oh, free range baby! He loved it.
There are always some dangers associated with naked baby time: the dog may get a little too curious about G-man's toddler tushie; he could sit on something uncomfortable or get something else caught as he maneuvers into tight spaces; and there is always the reason he wears a diaper to begin with.
Just a few moments after he was baring it all, I was preparing his room for nap time. As I closed the blinds I realized there was a sound in the room. One you may be familiar with. A slight grunt of effort and a lack of noise as whirlwind activity has stopped. That's right, he was going dookie.
I leapt across the room, saw it actually happening (ugh) and scooped him up to the changing table to discover...there no longer was anything dangling from his little bottom. It's got to be somewhere. I dared to turn around and oh yes, on the floor, a nice little gift. Kind of like what Tino leaves along our walks. Only I wasn't prepared with a poop bag.
As the dog was in the room with me, I quickly put G-man back down, still naked, (after all, he's done, right?), grabbed some wipes and hit the floor. Turns out it's a little harder to get off of hardwood than picking up after the dog in the grass. But don't worry, the G-man was helpful. As he stood there next to me watching as I pulled out more wipes, he peed. Yep, this kid has his numbers 1 & 2 mixed up.
More cleaning.
I figure I should probably wipe him, too. After all, we all need a little refresher after some dookie. Ooh, guess what? There was still a lot left in there! And now it's kind of smeared on him because I was just taking a courtesy wipe as he stood at my knees. Crap, now he's taking off! Don't sit down! Or stand closely next to anything! Or let Tino within 10 feet of you!
More frantic wipes later and a final successful trip to the changing table, the diaper was back on and there was peace in the land.
The pants? Still optional.