The kissing bandit

G-man is kissable. 

Oh sure, you're thinking that applies to all little kids. You probably know kids, maybe even one of yours, that you find yourself drawn to smooch. But this is really, really kissable. 

Seriously, I'm an addict. I can't stop kissing him! I don't think I give his skin time to shed on its own; I'm kissing off layers all day. I'm surprised he's not constantly pruney from all the wet smackers.

No matter what, if I'm near him, I kiss him. Scoop him up for a diaper change? Kiss. Down from the high chair? Kiss. In the car? Kiss. Out of the car? Kiss. Passing by? Kiss.

And don't get me started on if I'm actually holding him for any length of time. I must hold the world record for number of little smooches planted on a face/head/arms/whatever in a minute. I simply cannot help it. Even if I'm mad at him, I want to kiss him. I crave it. I love it. I love him.

It's not how he smells. He can be covered in yogurt (which I despise) and I have to do it. It's not how he looks. He can be having a not-as-cute moment and yet I'm helpless to the allure. It's not how he's behaving. I find myself puckering up even as I go to discipline him.

When I go in to check on him before I pop off to bed, I'm overcome with how much I want to kiss him and, for once, I can't. Because I can't reach him that far down in the crib! I have to settle for some lean-over-the-side-rail love pats, but oh, I want to pick him up and put my lips on his soft, pudgy cheeks. Over and over.

What is this all about? 

I have some familiarity with it on a less manic level. One of the cats is kissable. For some reason, he snuggles up and I have to cover him with smooches. The other cat is no less loved, but just doesn't have that pucker up savoir faire. And the dog? 100% pet-able.

But the G-man is KISSABLE. Irresistibly kissable. One day, he will duck from the incoming swoop of a mommy kiss but for now, I'm taking advantage as much as I can. 

Next on my list of world records? How many times a day I can tell him I love him. I'm pretty sure I'm close to that one, too.

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