What was I just talking about?

When I was pregnant, I heard all about "pregnancy brain," the complete inability to remember anything, ever. And yes, it was as if a switch had been turned off inside. Short-term memory was but, well, a memory. At least, I think it was. 

You could get away with a lot when you claimed pregnancy brain. Lost keys. Missed appointments. Repeat conversations. It was deemed cute and so were you.

After I had the G-man, my mind didn't miraculously bounce back overnight. I attributed this to sleep deprivation, a laser-focus on keeping him alive and being overwhelmed that the hospital would send someone so obviously ill-equipped for this great responsibility home without so much as 24-hour supervision. We forgot about opening our xmas presents. We almost forgot our anniversary. We barely remembered his name or ours. Clearly, this was not the time to go on Jeopardy.

I assumed that at some point, my mental capacities would return and there would be peace in the land. Or at least eggs in the fridge. Much to my dismay, it's been almost two years and I still feel like my mind is a sieve. Sure, I remember some things, but usually around 3:00 in the morning and by 6:00, they're gone, too. I've realized that this isn't temporary. I'm suffering from Momnesia. 

Maybe it's the crapload of new information entering our brains every day from web sites, books and personal conversations. Maybe it's having to think for two. Maybe it's just that the only way we can survive some days is to have a little black hole suck out random thoughts to make room for more. Whatever it is, it's annoying. I would like to know what I came into a room for; whether or not I gave the dog a snack; what Scott's mobile number is; and how to get out of the house without having to go back in three times for something I forgot.

Too much to ask?

I was at a birthday party for one of G-man's friends this afternoon and invited myself into a conversation about this phenomenon. Turns out, I'm not the only one. The mommies in our group feel like we are all entering the early stages of dementia. How will we know if one of us really gets alzheimer's? Chances are, even if we did figure it out, we'd forget. 

I try to stay sharp but it's a losing battle. A little ground I can concede, but this is erosion on an epic scale. Sadly, you, my lovely readers, are losing as well. Momnesia sucks the ideas I want to talk about right from my mind. I have composed what I'm sure is Pulitzer-caliber material in my head only to have it shrunk down to a vague thought by the time I get the computer to wake up. I'm not talking about one amazing line I wish I could have shared, but entire topics that have vanished. Even this paragraph was better an hour ago but there was bath time to attend to and it seems my word choices went down the drain as well.

How to battle this no longer cute affliction? I could definitely, uh, wait, um...what the hell was I just saying? Who knows. But there is some cocoa calling my name. Was that it? No. Oh well.

Samsmama  – (15 November, 2009 20:56)  

I was going to leave a really excellent comment but now I have no clue what it was. 5+ years and it's no better.

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