2 years, 24 weeks, 4 days

Today, the G-man did something for the first time. Something amazing. Oh sure, there are tons of milestones we've been excited about - his first solid foods, his first steps, his first words. But this is truly a banner moment in our lives as a family.

Today, at 2 years, 24 weeks and 4 days old, G-man told me he was tired and wanted to take a nap.

Out of the blue! As he was riding in the car on the way home from a disastrous trip to the splash park, I hear him say, "G-man tired. Go home, take nap."

I practically had a heart attack. It's a wonder I didn't wreck the car in my excitement and disbelief.

You see, the G-man has never been a napper. He barely napped at all his entire first year. And by that, I mean just a few times a month we had the miracle of daytime sleep. And that required an act of congress. 2.5 hours of rocking, singing and begging for 22 minutes of slumber peace. We still haven't caught up on our own sleep from that year.

During his second year, he decided that only 2 hours of intervention would be necessary and some sort of nap would happen about 5 times a week, and for a few weeks of bliss, it was every day. I was spoiled. I started showering every day, getting work done while the sun was up and snacking on the goodies I won't let him eat.

Then he turned two and the party stopped. Almost from the moment we said, "Happy Birthday!" he's been back on the move and barely blinks, much less closes his eyes. When I pick him up from PDO, his teachers look so tired and then I know he's even stopped napping there. To be fair, I do still try every day - story, paci, music, rock, rock, rock... - and can count on success about three days a week. It's just that I never know when those three will come. And sometimes he has a marathon 3 hour snooze and other times it's back to pizza delivery 30 minutes or less.

And through all that, even when he yawned and had eyes so puffy from lack of sleep he could barely see, he never, ever, admitted to being tired.

Until today.

Of course, by the time we got home and I started getting his room dark, paci out and books gathered, he totally denied ever saying it and wanted to play trains. But it was out there. I heard it and he can never take it back.

And best of all, he's asleep.

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