What you don't know...

There's a saying that ignorance is bliss. It goes along with "what you don't know can't hurt you." While there is some truth to the first one, don't believe the second. Often, what you don't know can hurt you. Or at least throw you off track. But for the most part, there are many things we don't know and the world moves on just fine. Unless G-man reads this blog when he's older, he may never find any of these out:

You still have Xmas candy. And Halloween candy. Maybe Easter candy, too. And the full-size Hershey bar in the fridge is actually yours. There's a good chance daddy and I will polish all of it off soon.

You're three years old and I still check every night to see that you're breathing.

During vacation at the shore, after you went to bed, we went out for ice cream. A lot.*

The zoo is open in the morning.

I can do laundry even if you don't take a nap.

Speaking of laundry, sometimes your train shirts are actually clean, but I want you to wear something different.

I dilute your chocolate soymilk with white milk.

For a better price, I order 5 Dunkin' Donuts munchkins even though you think it's four. That's because I eat one out of the bag before I give them to you.

When I'm counting to get you do something, I sometimes have no idea what will happen if I make it to three.

My computer can play games, too, not just Daddy's.

When you don't want yogurt, I add it to your smoothie instead. Ditto with a banana.

There are probably many more things that you are blissfully unaware of and hopefully, none of them are truly important. What I do hope you know is how much I love you, even when I'm sneaking around behind your back.

Oh! We have ice cream in the freezer. And I ate the last piece of your birthday cake. Geez, this list could go on forever.

*(Don't worry, Uncle David was home with you.)

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