Blow me
It's been 16 months that I've managed to escape something that I think happens to everyone. If you recall from my very first posting, there was a mess I didn't want to mention for fear I'd jinx myself but in this instance, superstitious wishing doesn't work. Today I dealt with my first full-on, poo on the kid, rinse out the clothes in the sink blowout.
G-man had been testing my patience at lunch by fussing, squirming and pretty much refusing to eat. I can definitely tell you more food made it into his hair and eyebrows than in his mouth. As this has become pretty normal the past few days, I didn't think maybe some of the squirming was him going and that he was uncomfortable. So I declared lunch over, cleaned him up as best as I could and whisked him out of the chair. As I was cleaning up the rest of mess, he came over to me and I noticed he didn't smell like roses. And he didn't smell like lunch either. There was definitely something in that diaper.
I cheerfully scooped him up and carried him into his room. While singing the diaper song (admit it, we all have one) I pulled off his pants and found...ew. Yuck. Oh crap, it's crap! I hadn't even thought of it being a lot, much less an actual blowout so I didn't take the right precautions.
For starters, I yanked his pants down, thus smearing it all over his legs. When I realized what I was looking at, my next thought was that I had meant to fill the wipes box this morning and forgot. While frozen in this thought, G-man took advantage of my relaxed state and proceeded to take his show on the road, all over the changing table. As he suddenly sat up, turned over and tried to get away, his socks and onesie, plus some other clothes that were on the table to begin with and the changing pad were now part of this mess. I was not amused but in the end, G-man was happy to be in a new outfit.
Of course, while dealing with this, the dog decides he, too, must poop and wants to go out RIGHT NOW. During a thunderstorm. While letting him out, one of the cats escapes and instead of turning around to come back in, runs under the patio table for shelter. So I'm calling him, wondering if the dog is going to stand in the doorway all day and noticing that G-man made a beeline for an electrical cord as soon as I looked away. So instead of running errands, I'm doing laundry, drying off pets and thinking that G-man still needs to eat his lunch.