Hey, I'm talking to you here
As a follow-up to my post begging for a word, some verbal communication beyond grunts, whines and cries, I will announce we have...a few word-like utterances! Hooray.
G-man's favorite is "uh-oh" (yes, this counts as a word, don't rain on my parade). He says it. A lot. And much like his signing of "all-done" he's not quite sure how to use it properly and what it really means. There are days when he just walks around saying it for no reason I can figure out, calling it from the stroller, staring into his cabinet.
Sometimes I think he says it because he likes hearing the sound or he knows it will get a reaction from me. Because let's face it, I want to know what uh-oh is all about.
So far, it's meant: I accidentally dropped my cup; I purposely threw my cup; I stepped on the dog; the dog stepped on the cat; mommy dropped something; the phone rang; my pacifier is under the chair; I am decorating the floor with crayons; parts of the grocery list are in my mouth; the remote is in the dog's water bowl; and his new move, I've unfastened the chest clip on my car seat (an uh-oh that means I have to pull over).
He also just started saying "more". We missed this grand entrance as the babysitter had to tell us he said it to her one day. Of course, he could have been saying it to us first and we just didn't get it. For all I know, he's dictated a pulitzer-caliber book and I've nodded and agreed to get him some milk. But now that I know the word more is in the rotation, I listen for it. And oh, it's cute. Like when he asks for more kisses. No way I'm not agreeing to that! Even if he is stalling at nap time.
That's the problem I'm already seeing even with such a limited vocabulary: I melt sometimes at what he's saying. Bedtime could take two days if it means he's still asking for more hugs. I will jump like a bunny for an entire afternoon if he smiles and asks. And how can I punish him for intentionally dumping yogurt on the floor if he looks at me with beseeching eyes and says uh-oh?
He's also getting the da-da thing down pretty well. Oh sure, he still says it when he sees a bug, a ball or a trash truck. But he also says it on purpose when he sees Scott or even some daddy things. Many a morning has been spent with G-man dragging one of papa's shoes around calling for da-da so Scott can come put it on. (Sad, really, as papa is at work.) When we get home in the afternoons he runs to the house calling for da-da. Freakin' adorable.
I feel like I've accomplished something on this one. For a long time, I've been saying papa/da-da over and over when it comes to anything involving daddy and he's finally caught on. Kudos for persistence! On his part, papa has been telling G-man to say mama but dada kept coming out instead. And I kept telling him it's ok if li'l man doesn't say it. I know I'm his mommy. Hopefully G-man knows it, too. I don't have to hear it.
And then, he said it. Mama. How wrong was I? Yes, I had to hear it! My insides turned to a puddle in an instant. Now every time I hear it, I want to tell him he can have anything he wants. I will do anything he wants. I will perform like Pavlov's dogs just for the chance to hear it again. Truly inspiring parenting, huh? So much for discipline and restraint! Yes, yes, yes, just say mama and the world is yours.
Um, he does have to say it to me, though. I'm a little less pliable when he's talking to his diaper bag.