It's the most wonderful time of the day
'Twas the hour of naptime and all through the land,
every creature was stirring; things were quite out of hand.
The baby who should have been snug in his crib,
was telling his toys tales of things that he did.
The puppy who usually snoozed with all might,
was stalking the cat food when I went out of sight.
Cat One was just bitching 'bout this and 'bout that,
while who was that scratching? Yes, it's #2 cat!
The floor, it needs mopping; there's dishes to scrub,
and I'd like some free moments to tackle that tub.
After walking this morning I still need a shower,
but time is getting away, chipping into my hour.
Tummy rubs for the pup and he's now drifting off,
and some pats for the cats prove they aren't all that tough.
But what to do with the kiddo who's eyes are all red,
but simply won't get on board with the idea of bed?
The music is playing, the ocean sounds roar,
the blinds are shut tight, just like his door.
Together we rock, shushing softly and deep,
by jove, his eyes close! I think he's asleep.
Yay!!!! Oopps, shush ...
That was excellent! Treasure these days when naps still happen. It seems like forever ago that Sam would lay down.