Happy, healthy, safe and sound

There's a superstition that says when you see that the time on the clock has all the same numbers (2:22, 3:33, 4:44, etc.), you make a wish. I didn't really start doing it until the G-man. Now it's the same every time: that he's happy, healthy, safe and sound. 

Why is that my wish? There are so many other things I could wish for; for the world, myself or G-man. But it comes down to those four things. I think it started when I was still pregnant - that was the wish I had for my baby. It covers it all.

Of course we want our kids to be happy. But I'm not talking about the "got what I wanted" happiness, but true internal joy. I wish for him to be happy with who he is, the kind that is secure in the knowledge that he is loved and he is worth it. It's first because I think it is my overarching wish for him. Even if the other three didn't really materialize the way I think they should, I want him to enjoy his world, whatever that is, and simply know happiness.

Truth be told, sometimes I do switch the order with Happy because I selfishly want Healthy first. If he's healthy, that's one thing less to worry about and then I can focus again on happy. But this one is pretty obvious. Other than those, uh, unique people that inflict Munchausen's by Proxy, no one wishes for their loved ones to be sick. While I know G-man is going to come down with his share of obnoxious germs, I wish I could spare him from the smallest cold to a catastrophic illness.  Above all, I hope he has a strong immune system and that sickness doesn't rule his life and, you guessed it, make him unhappy.

Another broad topic that covers the big and the little. I wish for G-man to have a safe environment, from stuff like splinters in his finger to toxins in the air. I want him to feel safe and be safe. I try not to let this turn me into an overprotective parent (in fact, my mother says I act more like I'm on my sixth than my first). I do the "right" things of babyproofing and keep him from running into the street, but I'll admit I let him eat off of the floor and run on concrete. Yet one of my biggest fears is that he'll be in a situation where he's scared and doesn't feel safe...or gets hurt/sick (unhealthy) or is not happy.

At first, this point wasn't Sound; it was Strong. But when I really thought about it, I realized that while being strong (in character, spirit and maybe physically) can be important, I'd rather he be sound. Sound in mind, sound in body. I hope that he is able to think, learn and do. Knowing who he is, how he can grow and having the ability to achieve his goals can make him safe, keep him healthy and lead to happiness.

So now you know what I really want for xmas...and beyond. 

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