Thoughts on two

Today is the G-man's second birthday! He doesn't seem too fazed by it, but I, for one, am amazed. 

Of course, I knew I had to do a posting to mark this momentous occasion. But there's so many directions I can take this and I thought about it this weekend as we celebrated. Should I talk about how it's all gone so fast? How he's changed so much? How I've changed so much? What I'm looking forward to this next year or what I liked best about this past one?

I'd almost settled on a reflection of how I've never been bothered by toys that make noise until we were bombarded with a seemingly endless supply of LOUD sound effects when he opened his many, many noisy gifts. Seriously, he has a puzzle that could make you want to blow your eardrums out. A puzzle. Let's not get started on the tractors, trucks, airplane, magnets and more that make the THX sound test at theatres seem like a whisper. And when the clamor dies down, where to put them all?!

But then, as I was cuddling and rocking him at bedtime, my last thoughts were how lucky he is and how lucky we are. 

For two years, he's had plenty of food, toys to educate and entertain, an extensive wardrobe, friends and activities to enjoy, a comfortable, safe environment and an enormous amount of love showered upon him. We, in turn, have had the privilege to provide these without hardship, be with him at the big and little moments in his life and feel love in return. 

Sadly, not everyone can say this.

There are children his age that don't have enough of one or more of these, be it love, money or safety. Who aren't rocked to sleep because their parent is at their third job of the day, or they don't have a house of their own or they simply don't have someone that cares to do it. 

There are parents that dream of more for their kids - not the dream of upgrading their bedroom to a play suite, but the wish for comfort, security, good health, a full tummy and the opportunity to spend more time with them and see them thrive. For these parents, the challenge of finding space for all of the toys is one they'd gladly take on if it meant having toys for their little ones. Perhaps they wish to be woken in the middle of the night a million times to bring yet another drink of water instead of saying goodnight as they leave a child in a hospital.

With everything going on in our lives, it can be hard to remember that others aren't as fortunate. As G-man's birthday is near xmas, it's a little more on everyone's mind at this time of year, but I'll admit it's a topic that I've thought of many times as I've held him or shopped for him or wondered about his future. 

These past two years have been an eye opening experience. While not every moment can be called blissful (hello colic! good morning tantrum! ooh, blowout!), every moment is ours to cherish, share and build upon. I thank the G-man for helping me connect more with myself and my world, and I look forward to what tomorrow brings, as long as we're together.

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