TV or not TV?

I’ve heard that toddlers love TV. Prior to G-man’s arrival, I read up on when they should watch and how to make sure the television didn’t stay on all day or lead to epic meltdowns when it’s off. I vowed to not let it be G-man’s babysitter.

Turns out, I shouldn’t have worried. He doesn’t like it! But in a weird twist of fate, I want him to. Not become obsessed with it but maybe find a few programs that he likes and would want to snuggle up to with me on the sofa when he’s ill or can watch to stop his mind or body from racing and settle down.

Every time I think I’ve found the answer, the victory is short-lived. He’ll like a show for a few days, I’ll set the DVR to record the crap out of it, and then suddenly turning it on will make me the meanest mom in the world. Who screams and cries when a fun cartoon is offered? My boy.

This has left me at a slight disadvantage. We couldn’t rely on a DVD to keep him happy on a flight last year because he had no interest in it. I can’t count on a few moments of boob tube joy when I need to make a client call. I don’t have a go-to showstopper.

The few things he will go for aren’t even normal kids shows. He doesn’t like most cartoons, preferring live action and of course, trains. Great Scenic Railway Journeys and Train Crazy Kids are still something I can pull out of my bag of tricks, but I’ve noticed lately that interest in these is fading quickly. He’s starting to cry when they come on or will only watch very specific scenes. I was really hoping these would last until after we travel this summer but things don’t look good for the passengers on US Airways.

You’re probably thinking I’m lucky. Through no fault of bad parenting, you may have a child whose eyes are permanently glazed and knows how to work On Demand way better than you. I certainly don’t want him to become attached to television, or even a certain show/character, but a minimal interest, a feeling of it being a novelty he can enjoy in special situations would be nice.

Be careful what you wish for? In a few months maybe I’ll be back complaining about how he won’t stop watching TV and that he thinks Dora the Explorer is his real mom.

Kelly  – (20 April, 2010 12:32)  

My son (~6 months older) was the same, and I had the exact same feelings as you! I was envious hearing about friend's kids who would watch TV and let them sleep in a bit! A few months ago he all of the sudden became interested in the snake in Jungle Book. Now he will actually sit and watch the whole movie, staring in a trance at the TV. So helpful for me since my husband travels a lot and I have a clingy 1yr old also wanting my attention. I bet your son will find something that grabs his attention soon, and give you the break you need!

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