Time out

To what I'm sure has been a tremendous tribulation to my 2 or so regular readers, I've been a blogging slacker for a little bit. It's not that I haven't had time or access to my computer. It's simply that I've had nothing to say.

What?! It's the apocalypse! Never am I at a loss for words. Ask anyone that has ever tried to have a two-way conversation with me only to discover I'm doing both parts. 

Lately though, I've just been enjoying the G-man. I realized that sometimes I'm so caught up in documenting every moment of his life that maybe I'm missing some of the insider info that goes along with it. Instead of getting an idea for a post and developing that in the running commentary that's in my head (where I've also been interviewed by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show to rave reviews, although sadly I now forget the topic...), I'm just continuing to watch him do his thing. G-man, not Jon Stewart. 

I saw a tip for mamapedia bloggers that need a jump start on new post ideas - go to the site, see what people are saying and asking and write about that. Great idea if you really just like to blog and need a launching point. Really great you're paid by the post or have some sort of OCD complex about not having one every few days. But the point of this blog is to write about my life with the G-man and what we go through together. And right now, we're going through some calm. No snarky comments about the library moms. No deep thoughts on why he has to sprinkle his milk throughout the house. For that matter, no soul-searching questions about why sippy cups aren't exactly leak-proof, either.

The other day, I hosted an impromptu play group with 8 kids and 5 mommies. Toys everywhere! Kids amok! Lunch burning on the stove! And yet, I didn't take any photos. So many opportunities and the camera stayed, well, wherever it is that it goes when not in my hands. Elephant graveyard? Hard to say.

So instead of whipping out my paparazzi credentials, I enjoyed the moments with him. I was in them, unlike all the photos I take of his events, achievements and every day life. 

For a little while, I haven't thought of how an activity could make a story, what someone else would think of what happened today, and how the family should see him in this new shirt. It's just me and the G-man. Sweet.

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