It's good to be king

The G-man has a new title in play group: Drama King. Unfortunately, this isn't due to his amazing thespian talents. Rather, it's his ability to melt down over the tiniest thing, a practically unseen slight, the most miniscule of shifts in the universe.

I'm so proud.

One mom described him as sensitive. As in, perhaps he simply feels so much and must react to anything. Hmm, could be. But really, he's never tracked that way. He used to be the laid-back kid in the crowd. The one voted most likely to adapt. And in a way, as far as traditional triggers go, he still is. Being dropped off at PDO doesn't phase him. Loud noises are no problem. Changes in scenery, routine, people don't really seem to throw him off.

But it's in the details, isn't it? He skips the big stuff that might not happen so much and zeroes in on the little things that, on the surface, mean nothing.

Unfortunately, this happens all the time. I swear, when he's screwing around in his crib at night instead of going to sleep, he's planning ways to perfect his tantrums, reduce the time needed to get into full swing and cataloging new things that will light the fuse.

In the past few days, the following have resulted in complete global thermonuclear war:
  • marker caps that wouldn't stack
  • the mere presence of a rocking horse
  • a kid looking at a toy that he was looking at
  • dinner (not a specific part of it; the concept itself)
  • mommy talking to a friend
  • tap water
  • playing the song he asked me to play
  • going to gymboree
  • being offered a muffin
There is no way I can even predict all of the things that are going to send him screaming to the floor. Add to it that he's not immune to the typical toddler issues (refusal to share, excessive resistance to leaving an activity, getting dressed) and we should be on red alert all day.

And maybe that's his goal: to rule his subjects, not with an iron fist but with flailing noodle limbs and ear-splitting screeches, hoping to reap the rewards of lavish attention. But oh, I'm sorry my liege, this loyal subject doesn't play that game.

Contrary to your beliefs, your powers are limited and you will be ignored or simply scooped up under my arm and taken to another kingdom. Sure, it might be a little hard on the ears of visitors to your land, especially when it is you that seemed to be visiting theirs. They may not quite understand our local customs, but I'm willing to take that chance. Look at it this way, at least you're getting exercise rolling around on the floor. Maybe your royal highness will even wear yourself out and take a nap!

The terrible twos? I hear the threes are way worse. Long live the King.

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